Improvement of young minds under sustainable development “Health for All”, “Health in all forms”- Ban adult material/remove online e-waste…

Dr. Anmolika Watal
B.D.S., MHA, PhD Scholar – Public Health

It is in vogue during this invasion of information Technology that the National and Global agencies, due to increased fishing sites all across the internet sharing adult material by creating fake accounts or links, lead to compromised websites. The author came across this concern while having a public profile and page over Facebook and Instagram handle, which she operates to share health related concerns since 2018, especially in COVID times; while everyone needed counseling/therapy/motivation and tips for health in all forms i.e. holistic health and wellness.
The commoners oftenly face this awkward situation and the author also came across her handles and thus proposed a petition on a portal of on 9th April ‘2023 tagging all the following:
Ministry of Women and Children Affairs, World Health Organization (WHO), Ministry of Social Development and Family Services, Ministry Of Education, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Bing, Snapchat, TikTok, Google Play Store apps, Yahoo, Google, Google Chrome,MSN, App Store Apple, Mozillafirefox, Honourable Prime Minister Sh. Narendra Modi. The petition is also addressed to US Supreme Court, US Department of Health, United Nations, UK Parliament on the portal of, because together we can. We need to remove all evil from the grass roots of the entire system.
Who is impacted?
Online or what we call the digital media, is overloaded with information of all sorts and the maximum population indulges in going on social media and online platforms; are the young generations. The school going kids, teenagers, young adults especially boys and men between 25-35 years of age…It could go beyond as well if people are insensitive to the impacts leading to adulteration of relationships, infidelity, compromised situations in a healthy relationship/environment that’s trying to support family..
Who is at stake?Nation’s future is at stake. To have a developed nation we really need to understand that the future of our Nation is in the Youth, especially us in India ;as the rich cultural heritage beliefs are such. Indulgence in watching pornography firstly is polluting minds of the youth which is forcing them to explore their sexuality at a very nascent stage which is contributing towards increased rates of rapes of minor girls, adult females, marital rapes, post- marital affairs etc. Pornography becomes an addiction during the growing years of young children, which puts them in a pedestrian to take a path which is unimaginable for certain parents, the urges become such and the obsession is , that they might even end up going to escorts, sex workers and red light areas or even worse that they would ruin an innocent girls life. Pornography is a huge industry working towards so called entertainment and pleasure, to only mint money out of it with mindless propaganda which will never contribute to health or well-being in any form.. While India plans to adopt Gurukul system, it is important to start with detoxification of the system simultaneously, as every individual is influenced by what is presented over social media platforms, such sites and through other online and offline media.
Why is now the time to act?
It’s better late than never.We cannot strengthen the education systems unless such distractions, hurdles, hindrances and social evil is extracted from the roots completely.. When it is spoken of adolescent health and well-being, the best way to keep it upright is purity rather than repenting later and amending through purification or any sort of regrets that might have lead to criminal activities or attacked women’s dignity and integrity. With the support of all the nations and their citizens, I thereby humbly request and appeal to ban pornography all over the globe. Remove e-waste completely..i.e. the Electronic waste over the digital platforms.
Please support the cause, for development of a healthy Nation under “Health for All” and “Health in all forms. This is a petition with zero charges, will hardly take 5 minutes of your time, yet will bring out some changes for healthy minds of the Nation’s young population, kindly support and share as much as possible: 
During ,75th Azadi ka Amritotsav, let’s get rid of certain termites present in the system in order to have a better future of upcoming generations and attain freedom truly from such evils from our society… Let kids grow up as kids with their innocence intact and not an adult version of a child/teenage/young adult.Let’s build up better nations and achieve freedom in all forms…
As per previous records, researches and report: The Department of Telecommunications (DoT) had ordered internet service providers to block more than 67 websites containing pornographic material, the body said on Friday, 29 September2022 . The order, dated 24 September, is based on judgments issued by two high courts.
But why have the websites been banned? And which websites have been banned?
What has the Telecom Department said?In four separate letters to internet service providers, the DOT ordered a block on 67 pornographic websites — 63 sites based on the order of a Pune court, and four sites based on a 2018 judgement of the Uttarakhand High Court, along with directions issued by the Ministry of Electronics and IT (MeitY).
Why has the DoT ordered a ban on these websites?
According to the IT Rules 2021, IT firms must remove or disable access to content hosted, stored, or published by them which “shows individuals in full or partial nudity or shows or depicts an individual in any sexual act or conduct”. It also mandates that IT firms must remove or disable access to content which is allegedly impersonated or artificially morphed.
The DoT’s order says that the Ministry of Electronics and IT has ordered a ban on these websites, “in view of certain obscene material available in the below-mentioned websites that tarnish the image of modesty of women”.
Child and Human Psychology:
Keep chocolates, chips, cold drinks, junk, all relevant goodies in front of a kid… They definitely will be tempted… Isn’t it??
During counseling with kids and especially parents, she found a very serious issue related to online classes/work/assignments/social media scrolling etc. that few links/ the ads that are put across lead to some compromised websites and web links… And otherwise also few kids and adults out of curiosity search certain adult material for the sake of exploration, mostly associated with body image, self esteem and self worth issues… Again please address them with the help of counselors/ therapists as early as possible… 
In the meanwhile the author being into Healthcare and Public Health domain requests government of India and the govts. across the globe, to ban such websites/web links through complete scrutiny, for which we all shall be needing your support towards a brighter future of kids, because unlike chocolates and other stuff if it’s present in front, the kids or adults will be ofcourse be tempted… So an appeal to all parents and governments who really think that this is a serious matter of concern… Join us and support .


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