Govt defaulted on fast-tracking of recruitment process in Kashmir: NC

Srinagar, Oct 21 (UNI) Expressing dismay over the alleged sluggish attitude of the Jammu and Kashmir administration in addressing the issues of youth, the National Conference (NC) on Wednesday said the government has defaulted on fast-tracking of recruitment process in Kashmir.
An NC spokesperson said that senior party leader and State Secretary Sakina Itoo made these comments, while chairing a meeting of constituency In-Charges of District Kulgam at DH Pora, Kulgam.

Addressing the meeting, Ms Sakina said the new normal, post unilateral, unconstitutional and undemocratic rescinding of J&K’s special status destroyed all the viable economic activities in the region and cost people their employment.
The youth, Ms Sakina said, bore much of the brunt of the imprudent and divisive policies of the center. ‘As if what was done on August 5 last year was not enough, the local youth of J&K were made to stand in queues to get domicile certificates. The promises made by the government on ushering in an era of development have also fallen flat.

‘On the contrary, the people of J&K, especially the youth, find themselves at crossroads. The failure of the government to rise up to the occasion and address the concerns of people has further compounded the issues faced by our youth,’ she said.

The NC leader further said the government has defaulted on the promise of providing jobs to youth, saying the promises on fast recruitment, private investment and other promises have not been realised and that the ground reality was different.
She said the development scenario in South Kashmir received a setback since 2015 and that nothing substantial was done by the government to augment the infrastructure in south Kashmir.
Augmenting infrastructure was a far cry and the government has even failed to ensure basic civic amenities to people through the year, she added.


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