nCoV: India sees spike of over 96 k cases, tally exceeds 52 lakh

New Delhi, Sep 18 (UNI) India on Friday registered a spike of over 96 k new nCoV cases, crossing the 52 lakh-mark, the Health Ministry update said here. The tally now stands at 52,14,678 with the 96,424 new additions in the past 24 hours, and the country now houses 10,17,754 active cases.

On the recovery front, there were 87,472 cured and discharged cases taking the total to above 41 lakhs, with the figure standing at 41,12,552.

Fatality count also rose to 84,372 with 1,174 more people succumbing to the virus since Thursday, the government data added.

In terms of percentage at present, the active cases are 19.52 pc, while recovered at 78.86 per cent, and the death toll stands at 1.62 per cent.

According to the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), as many as 10,06,615 samples were tested in the past 24 hours, taking the total cumulative samples tested since the beginning of the pandemic till Thursday to 6,15,72,343.

Maharashtra continues to remain the worst affected state , and now the active cases here have crossed 3 lakh mark , with the figure presently at 3,02,135 .

Globally, United States continues to remain the most-infected, followed by India and Brazil.


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