Odisha reports a record covid +ve cases of 4198 on a single day,toll rises to 637 with eleven more deaths.

Bhubaneswar, Sep 14 (UNI) Odisha reported a record spike of 4198 covid positive cases and eleven deaths on a single day taking the tally to 1,55,005 and death toll to 637. Health and Family Welfare department sources said of the 4198 positive cases reported during the past 24 hours from all the 30 districts of the state.

They included 2476 cases from the quarantine centres and 1722 local contact cases. It was for the first time the covid positive cases on a single day surpassed the 4000 mark in the state.The last record was 3996 reported on September 10 last.

Sources said during the past 24 hours eleven more covid patients succumbed to the virus while under treatment. While four of them died from Cuttack district, two each passed away in Bolangir and Khordha district and one each from Kandhamal, Mayurbhanj and Nayagarh district.

The Khordha district has registered the highest number of 26754 positive cases while Ganjam district has reported the highest number of 215 covid deaths in the state. Ganjam, Khordha and Cuttack districts are the top three districts in the state which have so far registered 215, 94 and 51 covid deaths respectively. Sundargarh has reported 38 deaths followed by Rayagada (33).

Meanwhile, with the recovery of 3363 covid patients on Sunday,the total recovery in the state went up to 1,18,642. So far till midnight of Sunday 24,72,517 tests were conducted in the state and out of them 1,55,005 have been infected with coronavirus with 1,18,642 already cured and discharged from the hospital.

The number of active cases in the state stand at 35,673.


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