Order permitting 100 guests at wedding in Delhi fake: MHA

New Delhi, Nov 24 (UNI) The Union Home Ministry on Tuesday clarified that the number of people allowed to attend a wedding function in the national capital is limited to 50 people and has not been increased to 100.

The MHA has clearly said that an office order allegedly issued by the Ministry of Home Affairs that claims that the number of guests permitted in wedding function in Delhi is being increased from 50 to 100 is fake.

It is noteworthy that an order allegedly by the Ministry of Home Affairs is going viral on social media, in which the number of people attending the wedding ceremony has been increased to hundred.

The government calling this particular alleged order dated November 23 ‘fake’, has clarified that it has not issued any such order.

MHA has further made it clear that in view of the COVID spread in the national capital, only 50 people can take part in a wedding function.

‘An office order allegedly issued by the Ministry of Home Affairs claims that the number of guests permitted in wedding functions in Delhi is being increased from 50 to 100. #PIBFactCheck: This claim is #Fake. No such order has been issued by the @HMOIndia,’ official Twitter handle PIB Fact Check said here.


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