Police action during Delhi riots in absolute compliance of law: CP

New Delhi, Sep 14 (UNI) Delhi Commissioner of Police SN Srivastava on Monday put to rest all claims made against Delhi Police over it’s action during the riots in North East Delhi, saying that all actions taken by the force were in absolute compliance of law. Speaking during an online seminar, organised by the Delhi Police Gazetted Officer Association, Mr Srivastava said the investigation into the riots was conducted with utmost care, without any dictate of political interest or pressure.

The seminar was organised under the aegis of Vice President, Delhi Police Gazetted Officer Association Vijay Malik and Chief Patron of the Association T R Kakkar. It was attended by lawyers, general representatives of the public, and retired senior officials of Delhi Police.

The Commissioner congratulated the Association for conducting such a seminar and also reiterated the continued assistance of the association and its members with Delhi Police.


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