Rajiv Kumar elected as Election Commissioner

Former finance secretary and Current Chairman of the Public Enterprises Selection Board, Rajiv Kumar has been appointed as the Election Commissioner on Friday in place of Ashok Lavasa.

The Legislative Department of the Ministry of Law and Justice in this regard issued a notification on Friday. “President is pleased to appoint Shri Rajiv Kumar as the Election Commissioner with effect from the date he assumes office vice Shri Ashok Lavasa, Election Commissioner who resigned with effect from 31st August 2020,” said the notification.

In pursuance of Clause (2) of Article 324 of the Constitution empowers the President of India to appoint an Election Commissioner to the Election Commission of India.

Appointed last year in July as finance secretary, Rajiv Kumar is an retired Indian Administrative Service officer of the 1984 batch from Jharkhand cadre. He has also worked as a bureaucrat for about  three decades across different departments and took over  the position as the finance secretary in September, 2017.

According to reports, Kumar played a major role in implementing the Centre’s plan to consolidate and strengthen public sector banks. He also has worked closely on the implementation of schemes like Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana and Mudra loan scheme which aimed at financial enclosure.

During his period in the Finance Ministry, Rajiv Kumar newly appointed EC, also have contributed significantly in the implementation of the center’s 59 minute loan scheme for micro, small and medium enterprises .

After assuming position as Election Commissioner, Kumar looks at a challenge in the form of Bihar Assembly elections 2020. These elections will be the first one to be conducted in India in wake of novel Covid-19 pandemic. Earlier on Friday, The Election commission has  issued a set of guidelines that has to be followed for Assembly and By elections during coronavirus.


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