Srinagar , Sep 15 (UNI) Additional Director General of Police (ADGP) Jammu and Kashmir police Armed on Tuesday promoted 1820 personnel to next grade, a police spokesman said here on this afternoon. He said ADGP A K Choudhary on Tuesday issued promotion order of 900 Selection Grade Constables (SgCt) to the rank of Head-Constables (HC).
The promotion orders of these SgCts to the rank of HCs were issued after the Departmental Promotion Committee (DPC) headed by Choudhary assessed their cases during a meeting held at Armed Police Headquarter (APHQ) Conference Hall Srinagar and found them fit for promotion as HC in light of the relevant service rules and promotion norms, he said.
These promotions have been made in view of the new creation of posts of HC as well as clear vacancy fallen vacant due to resultant promotions of HCs to Assistant Sub Inspectors (ASIs) rank.
Earlier, during the month of July and August 2020, Armed Police Headquarters has issued the promotion order of 80 ASIs to the rank of Sub Inspectors (SIs), 337HCs to the rank of ASIs and 503 Constables to the rank of SgCts.
The ADGP Armed congratulated the newly promoted official and their families.
He hoped that the promoted officials shall consistently demonstrate discipline, hard work and dedication towards their respective assignments so that their Junior colleague may also get inspired and follow the same path.S