Lucknow ,Sep 25(UNI) Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath inaugurated and laid foundation of around 250 projects worth Rs 593 crore in Jaunpur and Deoria besides inaugurated a Krishi Vigyan Kendra in Hapur on Friday saying that the BJP government was committed to the development of the state.
While inaugurating the Krishi Vigyan Bhawan through the click of the mouse from the state capital, he said that India’s farmer is progressive farmer who wants new invention so that these could be used to increase farm production.
“Prime Minister Narendra Modi has assured that farmers’ income should be doubled by 2022 and he should get the remunerative price of his agricultural produce. The BJP Government is committed to ensure all help to the farmers,” he said.
Chief Minister said this is the era of `one nation, one market’ where farmer has the freedom to sell his product anywhere where he is getting good price of his produce. Besides, the government has assured Minimum Support Price (MSP) for farm sector. This is the time to go for healthy competition and if we want our farmers should grow they should be given free market, he said.
“The farm bills passed by the Indian Parliament are in the benefit of the country and the farmers and people should support that,” he said.
In another function he inaugurated or laid foundation of development projects of Jaunpur and Deoria. In Jaunpur 36 projects worth Rs 36.47 crore are inaugurated while foundation is laid for 47 projects worth Rs 91.70 crore.
In Deoria 28 projects worth Rs 82.33 crore were inaugurated while foundation of 131 projects worth Rs 382.84 crore was laid.