Uttar Pradesh Cabinet Minister Bhupendra Singh Chaudhary tested coronavirus positive

Bhupendra Singh Chaudhary ,UP Cabinet Minister has tested coronavirus positive. He informed about the same via his Twitter handle.

Bhupendra Singh Chaudhary also requested all those who came in contact with him recently to get tested for the disease.

“After getting the initial symptoms of corona, I was tested for COVID-19 and my report came positive. I am being admitted to a hospital on the advice of doctors. I request that all those who came in contact with me in the last few days, please isolate yourself and get tested,” tweeted Chaudhary .

Prior, UP ministers Atul Garg and Brajesh Pathak had tested positive for coronavirus.

Two UP ministers, Kamal Rani Varun and Chetan Chauhan, recenly succumbed to coronavirus infection.

On Tuesday, there were 49,575 active cases across UP. To date, 1,44,754 patients have recovered across the state, while the death tally linked to coronavirus stood at 3,059, the data showed.


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