European experts cancel Dec 16-18 visit to Belarusian NPP – Belarus’ Emergencies Ministry

Minsk, Dec 16 (Sputnik) European experts have canceled their visit to Belarus’ Astravets Nuclear Power Plant, which was scheduled for December 16-18, the emergencies ministry’s department for nuclear security said.
On Tuesday, the Belarusian Ministry of Energy announced that experts from the European Commission and the European Nuclear Safety Regulators Group (ENSREG) would visit the Astravets NPP construction site in order to assess the implementation of the national plan of action.
“According to information of the ENSREG partner review team, the European partners have made a decision to cancel their visit to Belarus, scheduled for December 16-18. At the same time, the Belarusian side has not received any official notification about the cancellation of the visit,” the Ministry of Emergency Situations’ department for nuclear security said in a statement, quoted by the state-run news agency Belta.


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