Korean-Russian railways integration must start before North Korea sanctions lifting

Moscow, Sept 29 (Sputnik) Moscow considers it important to begin integration of Korean railways with Russia’s Trans-Siberian Railway without waiting for the lifting of international sanctions against North Korea, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Tuesday.
According to Lavrov, the potential of trilateral economic cooperation in the Russia-South-North Korea format remains unrealized.
“Our country has consistently advocated the promotion of initiatives with the participation of the three countries, including the integration of the Korean Railways with the Trans-Siberian Railway, as well as transit supplies of pipeline gas and electricity through the DPRK to the ROK,” Lavrov said in an interview with South Korean news agency Yonhap.
He said their implementation not only met the economic interests of the three countries, but could also make a significant contribution to strengthening peace and security on the Korean Peninsula.
“We consider it important to start practical steps in this area, without waiting for the lifting of international sanctions against the DPRK,” Lavrov said.


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