Mongolia confirms 24 more COVID-19 cases

Ulan Bator, Nov 29 (Xinhua) Mongolia reported 24 more COVID-19 cases in the past 24 hours, raising the national tally to 784, the country’s National Center for Communicable Diseases (NCCD) said Sunday.
One of the latest confirmed cases was imported, and the others were all domestically-transmitted ones, said Amarjargal Ambaselmaa, head of the NCCD’s Surveillance Department, at a daily press conference.
A total of 352 locally-transmitted cases have been reported nationwide, notably in capital Ulan Bator and provinces of Selenge, Darkhan-Uul, Govisumber, Orkhon, Dornogovi and Arkhangai.
Among the confirmed cases in the country, 354 patients have recovered so far, and six of those receiving treatment at the NCCD are now in critical condition, according to the center.
Mongolia entered a state of public disaster preparedness and imposed a nationwide 24-hour lockdown from 6 a.m. local time on Nov. 12 (2200 GMT Nov. 11) until Dec. 1 after reporting its first locally-transmitted case, which was found in a woman, whose husband, a driver, returned from Russia and tested positive for the virus.


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