Pandemic accelerates digital transformation in India: Dell Technologies study

New Delhi, Nov 26 (UNI) Dell Technologies on Thursday released results from a global study that shows organizations are shifting their digital transformation programs into high gear and have already accomplished in a few months what would normally have taken years.
The findings, updated biennially in the Dell Technologies’ Digital Transformation Index (DT Index), indicate organizations are accelerating transformational technology programs during the global COVID-19 pandemic in India.

In one of the first global studies to measure business behavior as a result of the pandemic, Dell Technologies’ 2020 Index found that 94.7 percent of Indian organizations (Global: 79.7% & APJ: 83.6%) have fast-tracked some digital transformation programs this year and 92.3 percent (Global: 79.3% & APJ: 86%) are re-inventing their business model.

The DT Index is a global benchmark indicating organizations’ status of digital transformation and their performance across the globe. The survey included 4,300 business leaders (C-suite to Director) from mid-size to enterprise companies across 18 countries.


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