Depression weakened into Well Marked Low Pressure Area over South Coastal AP : Met

Hyderabad, Nov 27 (UNI) The Depression over South Coastal Andhra Pradesh & neighbourhood moved northnortheastwards and weakened into a Well Marked Low Pressure Area and lay centered over south Coastal Andhra Pradesh & adjoining Westcentral Bay of Bengal at 0530 hrs on Friday.
Under its influence, light to moderate rainfall at many places with heavy falls at isolated places is likely over coastal Andhra Pradesh during next 24 hours, India Meteorological Department (IMD) said in a bulletin.

Squally wind speed reaching 40-50 kmph gusting to 60 kmph is likely to prevail over westcentral Bay of Bengal and along & off south Andhra Pradesh coast during the next 12 hours.
Sea condition is rough to very rough over Westcentral Bay of Bengal and along & off south Andhra Pradesh coast during the next 12 hours.
Fishermen are advised not to venture into Westcentral Bay of Bengal and along & off south Andhra Pradesh coast during the next 12 hours, the bulletin added.


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