Google fights against Australian plan to pay for news content

Google, the giant US technology went offensive against the Australian plan on Monday forcing the digital giants to pay for the news content by telling the users that their personal data would be at risk.Australia, last month announced that the firms like Google and Facebook would have  to pay for news media content.

The Australia decided the measures including the fines worth millions of dollars for non-compliance and force transparency  around the algorithms that the firms use to rank content.

Google is fighting a rearguard action to prevent the measures from kicking in and also have been accused by Australia of spreading “misinformation”.  Google told the users in a new homepage pop up that “the way Aussies use Google is at risk” and their search experience “will be hurt” by the changes.

The technology giant stated in an open letter that they will be forced to hand over the users search data to news media companies and give them information that would “help them artificially inflate their ranking” above other websites. Currently being partner with Australian news media and paying them millions of dollars every year, suggested that the changes could put the free services “at risk”.

 “Rather than encouraging these types of partnerships, the law is set up to give big media companies special treatment and to encourage them to make enormous and unreasonable demands that would put our free services at risk,” .


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