Prof. B. N. Tripathi visits Advanced Center for Rainfed Agriculture

Prof. B. N. Tripathi, Hon’ble Vice Chancellor SKUAST-Jammu made his maiden visit to Advanced Centre of Rainfed Agriculture, Rakh Dhiansar along with Dr. Anil Kumar, Dean Faculty of Agriculture, Dr. Vikas Tandon, Dean Faculty of Horticulture & Forestry and Dr. Mahital Jamwal, Associate Director Research, SKUAST-Jammu During the visit to ACRA Dhiansar, Dr A. P Singh, Incharge, ACRA welcomed the Hon’ble Vice Chancellor and other accompanying statutory officers of the university. He further briefed the Vice Chancellor about the ongoing station activities including different projects and experiments being carried out at research station.
Vice Chancellor expressed his satisfaction regarding the working of research station, moreover, he also impressed upon the staff to strive to explore the possibilities and ways for further improvement of infrastructure and other research related facilities at ACRA. He also exhorted the scientific and field staff to usher for their pursuit to achieve excellence in their professional endeavours. Prof. Tripathi interacted with all the scientific, technical and field staff working at station and had one to one interaction regarding various issues being faced by them while giving a patient hearing to their genuine concerns. Dr. Tripathi also visited the research farm of ACRA and took stock of the ongoing research. During the visit, Dr. A. P. Singh, Incharge ACRA appraised the Vice Chancellor, SKUAST-Jammu about the nullah carrying harmful industrial effluents, from nearby industrial area, passing through the ACRA experimental farm. He further explained that the same nullah gets housed and overflows in to the nearby field experiments and crops raised for seed production purpose, especially during rainy season, thereby causing enormous loss to the elite planting material and spoils the experimental crops. Further, after threadbare discussion, it was resolved that either the course of this nullah should be diverted out of the experimental farm of ACRA or the nullah should be desilted and cement lining should be done in its left out kucha portion to improve its carrying capacity along with a pre-condition that the effluents should be released only after the proper treatment in the nullah.


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