Renowned singers, lyricist and actors join Bharatiya Janata Party and Congress ahead of Assam assembly polls 2021

Several eminent singers, lyricist and choreographers joined both the Congress and the Bharatiya Janata Party in Assam on Tuesday. Those joining the grand old party included music composer Ajay Phukon, singer Babu Baruah, Nekib Ahmed and Anupam Saikia along with scores of other artists.

They were included into the party at a function attended by senior leaders of the Assam Pradesh Congress Committee.

 The function turned musical when the singers strike out a song on the controversial CAA.

“We have formed a cultural force and intend to intensify our campaign against the CAA. In 2021, we need a political platform to put an end to the CAA and the Congress has provided us the stage,”Phukon said.

“We are united in our protest against the CAA and their joining will add teeth to our efforts. Singers and music directors like Phukon and Baruah have been leading the artist fight against CAA since the campaign started,” said Ripun Bora, APCC Chief.

“I am firm on my stand on opposing CAA and so joined the Congress. The party has been opposing the Act and we can make our voices reach the national audience and make an impact,” stated Baruah.

The Congress in the state has formed an alliance with AIUDF and compatible parties that have protested against the Citizenship (Amendment) Act. “We will get at least 70 seats and the youth will lead from the front this time,” said a two-time Congress MLA, Rekibuddin Ahmed from Chaigaon constituency.

Meanwhile, the other set of reputed artist of the state was welcomed into Bharatiya Janata Party by Ranjit Das, state unit chief. These included the vocalist Srimanta Shekhar, who sung the party’s signature song during the last general elections, Pranjana Dutta, flutist Deepak Sharma and Pankaj Ingti.

“I think that the BJP has done tremendous work for the people of the state. In this party, one is chosen or recognised by the dint of his work, not by his wishes,” Shekhar said.


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