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Dinosaur extinction began 2mn years earlier

Beijing, Sep 23 : A recent study has revealed that dinosaurs had been on the road to extinction much earlier than previously believed, and the catastrophic impact 66 million years ago might have only been the last straw.

G20 platform should discuss economy, not Ukraine: China

Beijing, April 22 (UNI/Sputnik) China believes that the G20 platform should be used to discuss the economy, not the Ukrainian crisis, Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said on Friday. On Thursday, the G7 countries said that Russia should not receive funds from international financial institutions, including the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank, and also deplored Russia's participation in international forums, including meetings of the G20, the IMF and the World Bank this week. "We took note of the corresponding statement of the G7 nations. The G20 and relevant international organizations are platforms for discussing international financial and economic issues, not the Ukrainian problem," Zhao said at a briefing in response to the G7 nations' statement against Russia's participation in the G20 events.

China Vice Premier, US Trade Representative discuss lifting of tariffs, sanctions:...

Beijing, Oct 9 (UNI/Sputnik) Chinese Vice Premier Liu He held on Saturday an online conversation with US Trade Representative Katherine Tai to discuss the possible lifting of sanctions and tariffs, media reported.

Shenzhou-12 astronauts land safely

Beijing, Sep 17 (UNI/XINHUA) Three Chinese astronauts, the first sent to orbit for space station construction, have completed their three-month mission and returned to Earth safely on Friday.

China’s Nanjing tightens restrictive measures to stem spike in COVID-19 infections

Beijing, Jul 27 (UNI/Xinhua) Nanjing, capital of east China's Jiangsu Province, has tightened the epidemic prevention and control measures after the recent spike in COVID-19 infections in the city. Among the measures, all retail pharmacies in the city suspended selling antipyretic, cough, antiviral and antibiotic medicine to citizens, according to the municipal epidemic prevention and control headquarters.

China’s population reaches 1.41 Billion – National Bureau of Statistics

Beijing, May 11 (UNI) China's population has grown by 5.38 percent over the past 10 years to 1.41 billion, according to the seventh nationwide census of 2020, the National Bureau of Statistics of China said in a statement. "The population of mainland China, compared with 1.39 billion people in line with the sixth national census of 2010, increased by 72.05 million, an increase of 5.38%," the statement said. The seventh Chinese census took place from November 1 to December 10, 2020.

Most of debris from China’s CZ-5B heavy-lift vehicle burns up in...

Beijing, May 9 (UNI) Fragments of China’s Long March 5B (Chang Zheng 5B, or CZ-5B) rocket that launched with the first module for the country’s orbital station last month entered the Earth’s atmosphere over the Indian Ocean on Sunday, the China Manned Space Engineering Office (CMSEO) said. "On May 9, at 10:24 [02:24 GMT] the debris from the Chang Zheng 5B carrier rocket re-entered the Earth’s atmosphere, the location where the debris fell into the water is at longitude 72.47 degrees east, latitude 2.65 degrees north [next to the Maldives in the Indian Ocean]. Most of the debris burned up upon entry into the Earth’s atmosphere," CMSEO said.

Jailed Hong Kong activist gets new 10-month term over Tiananmen Square...

Beijing, May 6 (UNI) Joshua Wong, a prominent Hong Kong activist, was sentenced to serve 10 more months in prison on Thursday for joining last year’s unsanctioned vigil to commemorate victims of the 1989 Tiananmen Square, the South China Morning Post reported. Wong, who is currently serving a 13.5-month jail term in prison for taking part in a protest that local authorities defined as a "riot" that took place outside a police station in Wan Chai on June 21, 2019, was also given a separate four-month sentence on April 13 for violating the anti-mask law in 2019 and participating in an unauthorized rally.

Beijing indefinitely suspends China-Australia strategic economic dialogue – Commission

Beijing, May 6 (UNI) Beijing decided on Thursday to indefinitely suspend the China-Australia Strategic Economic Dialogue over what it describes as Canberra's measures to disrupt normal exchanges and cooperation, the Chinese National Development and Reform Commission said. The commission describes the Australian Commonwealth Government's policy toward China as ideological discrimination and a part of the Cold War mindset.

Beijing urges US to cease support for pro-Taiwan independence forces, arms...

Beijing, Mar 9 (Sputnik) China has made strong appeals to the United States to refrain from sending false signals to the pro-Taiwan independence forces and stop selling arms to the island, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said on Tuesday, commenting on the recent statement by Washington on the matter. On Monday, White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki told reporters that Washington would continue to contribute to Taiwan’s self-defense capabilities despite calls from China to roll back the support for the breakaway island.
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