Russia, Bolivia discuss deliveries of COVID-19 vaccine Sputnik V: Ambassador

Buenos Aires, Oct 10 (UNI) The Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF) has started talks with Bolivia on the deliveries of the Russian-made COVID-19 vaccine Sputnik V to the Latin American nation, Ambassador to Bolivia Vladimir Sprinchan said.
“Today, the negotiations between the Russian Direct Investment Fund … and the Bolivian Health Ministry have started to study an opportunity to import the vaccine to Bolivia,” Sputnik quoted the diplomat as saying while presenting the Avifavir drug against COVID-19, whose deliveries to Bolivia have already started.
Sprinchan said that the Russian vaccine was safe, and more than 1 billion people would be vaccinated with it in 2020-2021.
The ambassador added that the RDIF was discussing the deliveries of Sputnik V to Bolivia for the mass vaccination, not clinical trials.
Russia registered its pioneer coronavirus vaccine, Sputnik V, in August. It is currently undergoing the third stage of clinical trials.


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