All aspects’ in SSR ‘death’ case being investigated. ‘No aspect’ ruled out : says CBI

New Delhi, Sep 28 (UNI) In a major development, the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) said here on Monday night that ‘all aspects’ are being looked at related to the ‘death’ of Sushant Singh Rajput and ‘no aspect’ had been ruled out as of date,

In a late night statement here the CBI said it is conducting ‘professional investigation’ related to the ‘death’ of Sushant Singh Rajput and the investigation is continuing.

‘The Central Bureau of Investigation is conducting professional investigation related to the death

of Shri Sushant Singh Rajput in which all aspects are being looked at and no aspect has been ruled

out as of date,’ the brief statement by the CBI said.

‘Investigation is continuing,’ the statement added.

By pointing out that ‘all aspects’ were being looked at and ‘no aspect’ had been ruled out, the statement implies that the CBI is also investigating a possible homicide angle.

Also, the use of words ‘death’ of Sushant Singh Rajput are a clear indication that the Mumbai

Police conclusion of a possible ‘suicide’ also does not hold ground.

The CBI which has been investigating the Sushant Singh Rajput case after the intervention by

the Supreme Court, was being questioned for its slow speed of investigation.

Sushant Singh Rajput’s family too had expressed fears that the CBI investigation was being

sidetracked and there was too much emphasis on Bollywood drugs probe by the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB).


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