New Delhi, Sep 20 (UNI) India on Friday registered 94,612 cured or discharged COVID-19 cases during the past 24 hours, as per the Union Home Ministry data. A total of 92,605 fresh cases further pushed the tally past 54 lakh-mark, with the figure now standing at 54,00,620. The recoveries have now reached 43,03,044 , that is 79.68 in percentage.
On the brighter side , with the good number of recoveries, the active cases have come down further on the second consecutive day, and presently the active case load is 10,10,824. However, the fatality count also rose to 86,752 with 1,133 more people succumbing to the virus since Saturday, the government data added. In terms of percentage at present, the active cases are 18.72 per cent, recovered at 79.68 per cent, and the deaths at 1.61 per cent.
According to the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), as many as 12,06,806 samples were tested in the past 24 hours, taking the total cumulative samples tested since the beginning of the pandemic till Saturday to 6,36,61,060.
Maharashtra continues to remain the worst affected state in the country with maximum case count in total , as well as in terms of maximum active cases of the pandemic. Globally, United States continues to remain the most-infected, followed by India and Brazil.