Bengaluru, Sep 28(UNI) AICC spokesperson Randeep Singh Surjewala, who is in charge of party affairs in Karnataka on Monday, held the ruling BJP government led by Chief Minister B S Yediyurappa responsible for the Bandh and urged him to ban and banish the anti-farmer-labour mindset.
In a tweet, he urged Yediyurappa to withdraw the amendments and tender apologise for the blatant sell out by the BJP on Land Reforms Bill and repeal the draconian amendments to APMC Act. This is your litmus test!
How can Yeddyurappa & his turncoat Cabinet sleep at night as #COVID19 deaths cross 8,500 in the state. With 5,75,000 #COVID cases, and over 1 lakh active cases, the daily spike has crossed the 9,000 mark, he added