New Delhi, Oct 13 (UNI) Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Tuesday kickstarted the process of spraying bio-decomposer on the fields, in view of leaving no room for stubble burning, as the new technique will make turn the remaining part of the crop that is the stubble into manure, which will mix into the soil.
Mr Kejriwal visited the Hiranki village in Narela district of Delhi, to kickstart the process of spraying of the newly-developed bio-decomposer solution on the 700-800 hectares of paddy fields in the national capital.
He said the solution has been developed under the guidance of Pusa Institute and all arrangements for the spraying of the solution have been made by the Delhi government.
Farmers will not have to bear the cost of using this technology, he said, adding that all the governments have to work in tandem, to address the issue of stubble burning in Northern India.
Delhi Environment Minister Gopal Rai was also present at the launch of the process.
Talking to reporters, Mr Kejriwal said ‘To get rid of the issue of stubble burning, the process of production of this liquid solution was started in Delhi around 10 days back.
‘Stubble is often found in the 700-800 hectares of paddy (non-Basmati) fields in Delhi, which has to be burned.
The Delhi government has created the solution which will be sprayed on the fields, which will convert stubble into manure,’ he said.
The tractors, as well as all the arrangements for its spraying, have been made by the Delhi government and the farmers do not have to bear the cost of it.
“The burning of the stubble also destroys the useful bacteria on the farmlands. Due to the spraying of the solution, the farmers will need fewer fertilisers and it will also increase the productivity of the land.
‘I am worried because stubble burning has started in the neighboring states, and the smoke has started reaching Delhi. The pollution was in control in Delhi for the last 10 months,’ the Delhi Chief Minister said.
‘Every government has to work together seriously to address the issue of stubble burning. The whole of Northern India is covered in smoke in the months of October, November, and December for the last so many years, but why suitable steps were not taken?
“We do not have to blame each other, every government has to work with one another to resolve the issue.
If the Delhi government can do it, so can other state governments,’ he added.