New farm reforms to encourage young agricultural entrepreneurs to opt for farming: Jitendra Singh

New Delhi, Oct 9 (UNI) Union Minister Dr Jitendra Singh on Friday said that new reforms brought in by Prime Minister Narendra Modi will boost young agricultural entrepreneurs and encourage them to opt for a career in farming.

During an interaction with farmers, sarpanches and local activists from districts Doda and Kisthwar through video conferencing, he said the new farm reforms have huge futuristic vision and are aimed at enabling young educated farmer of today to exercise his options in promoting his entrepreneurship and putting his technical knowledge to the best utility.

As the benefits of the new reforms begin to be realised with each passing day, several youths from non-agricultural families will also start looking for a career as Start-Ups in the field of agriculture”, Dr Singh said.

Even if the earlier arrangement of crops being sold through Agriculture Produce Marketing Committee (APMC) Centres held some relevance about 50 years ago but now the time has changed, the markets have opened up and the accessibility has become easier, he added.

The Union Minister also said that today’s youth is well connected, well informed and has the capacity to reach out and therefore, the new reforms are in keeping with the requirements of contemporary times.

The local activists who participated in the programme said that they will reach out to each and every farmer to defeat the sinister design by the vested elements to mislead the farmers.


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