Punjab CM asks Centre to listen to farmers

Sultanpur Lodhi/ Dera Baba Nanak, Nov 30 (UNI) Terming the farmers’ fight against the Farm Laws as just, Punjab Chief Minister Captain Amarinder Singh on Monday asked the Centre why it was being adamant on the issue and not listening to the farmers.

“It is the job of the Government to listen to its people. If farmers are joining the agitation from so many states, then they must be really upset,” said the Chief Minister while interacting informally with the media during his visit to these historic towns. He asserted his government’s commitment to stand firmly with the farmers in their fight against the black laws.

On the Prime Minister’s adamant stand that the new laws were beneficial to the farmers, the Chief Minister said Narendra Modi had been maintaining this line since the beginning, which was the reason why Punjab came out with its own Bills. He questioned the Governor’s decision to sit on those Bills instead of forwarding them to the President, which he is required to do, and pointed out that the Governor had done this even last year on the Bill related to the CM’s advisors.

Pointing out that the MSP and arhtiya system was the backbone of Punjab’s successful agricultural model, with the farmers and arhtiyas sharing a very close bond, the Chief Minister questioned the need to change the established system. “Will the corporates who would take the place of the arhtiyas ever care to help farmers in times of crisis?” 


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