Tropical storm Nana to bring Hurricane conditions to Central America’s Caribbean Coast

Mexico City Sep 2 (Sputnik) – The US National Hurricane Center on Wednesday warned that tropical storm Nana may bring tropical storm conditions to Mexico’s southeastern Yucatan Peninsula and the nations of Guatemala and Belize.
“Tropical storm conditions are expected in the tropical storm warning areas in Belize, Guatemala, and the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico by tonight,” the center said in an update message as it monitors the system.
Belize can expect hurricane conditions with wind speeds of over 100 kilometers per hour, the center’s warning message board read.
Heavy rainfall could bring flash floods to the affected areas of the three countries, the National Hurricane Center said, adding that preparations to protect life and property should be rushed to completion.
Nana is now the latest of four active weather systems in the Caribbean Sea and the US east coast and the fourteenth individual storm to form in the area this season. Nana’s formation was shortly followed by another, Storm Omar, making 2020 the most active storm season on record.


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