United States suspends bilateral agreement with Hong Kong

The United States suspended the three bilateral agreements with Hong Kong on Wednesday which covers extradition and tax exemptions following the China’s imposition of a controversial national security law in the Asian trading hub to curb the autonomy and democratic freedoms.

The move came a month after the US President Donald Trump ended the Hong Kong’s special status with the US and signed a legislation to sanction Chinese officials responsible for cracking down on political dissent in Hong Kong.

“As part of the ongoing implementation measures, we notified the Hong Kong authorities on August 19 of our suspension or termination of three bilateral agreements. These agreements covered the surrender of fugitive offenders, the transfer of sentenced persons, and reciprocal tax exemptions on income derived from the international operation of ships,” said Morgan Ortagus, Spokesperson of State Department.

These steps underscore  the America’s concern regarding the Beijing’s decision to impose the National Security Law, which has “crushed” the freedoms of the people of Hong Kong, said Ortagus in a statement.

She alleged that the Chinese Communist Party has taken drastic steps to erode the high degree of autonomy that Beijing itself promised to the UK and the people of Hong Kong for 50 years under the UN registered Sino-British Joint Declaration.

Donald Trump has made clear that the US will, therefore, treat Hong Kong as “one country, one system” and take action against the individuals who have crushed the freedoms of the people of Hong Kong, she informed.

The President’s Executive Order on Hong Kong Normalization (E.O. 13936) set forth a number of responses to Beijing’s actions, including suspending and eliminating preferential treatment for Hong Kong, said Ortagus.

China has  passed the sweeping national security law on Hong Kong to take full charge of the former British colony which has witnessed the  massive protests by millions of locals opposing Beijing’s rising controls over the city’s seven million population.

The Trump administration has been openly decisive of Beijing’s sweeping national security law and aim at limiting the Hong Kong’s autonomy and curb the political dissent against the ruling Chinese Communist Party.


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